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Resources for Research Administrators and PIs

This space is under construction. Please check back for updates.

Required Principal Investigator Activities

Effective July 1, 2025, a new process has been developed to comply with OMB requirements for grant expense verification. The College of the Environment is in a pilot project for this new process, which involves specific departments and PIs. Once the pilot is completed, all PIs will use the new tool to verify expenses in partnership with Grant Managers. Please stay tuned for more updates.

Reports for Principal Investigators

[coming soon]

Dashboards for Principal Investigators

[coming soon]

Subaward Escalations

Due to a backlog in Subaward processing, the College can approve up to three subaward escalations every two weeks. To manage this process efficiently, the Dean’s Office must prioritize all requests based on urgency and impact.

In the spirit of transparency, we kindly request that you provide details on the following:

  1. Imminent Award End Dates – Highlight any upcoming deadlines that may affect the continuation of your project.
  2. Impact to Collaboration – Especially with non-profit partners or other collaborators who may be unable to absorb costs until the subaward is finalized.
  3. Impacts to Project Milestones – Outline any delays or risks to key project milestones due to the delay in processing.

Please complete and submit this downloadable spreadsheet with the required information to assist in prioritizing your request.

Deadlines to Send to the Dean’s Office:

January 27th, 2025

February 9, 20225

February 23rd, 2025

March 9th, 2025

March 23rd, 2025

Common Questions:

  • Can I send a request if I have modifications still pending?  No
  • Does this guarantee that mine will be escalated?  No.  We are only allowed three per cycle as a college
  • Which Subawards can be escalated? Only those that not yet assigned in OSP and the ASR or MOD must have been processed. Incomplete requests will be returned. Items that are returned are removed from the priority list and are assigned on a first-in-first-assigned basis like everything else. After the item is complete and  back in OSP, you may decide to add it back to the next two week priority list.
  • Email this request and attachment linked above to:
    • Erika Hargadine
    • AD of Research
    • CC Everett Abegg
    • Subject: [Unit Name Inserted [Subaward Escalation Request] [PI Name Inserted] 

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