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Resources for Faculty Portfolios

Recommended Reports for Stand-Alone Grants

The College of the Environment has streamlined its reporting process by implementing “StandAlone Grants.” These are designated for non-sponsored award funds, which include Professorships, Retention Packages, StartUp Funds, Faculty Retention, Faculty Research Cost Recovery, Indirect Cost Recovery Funds, and Internal Awards. Each StandAlone Grant is directly associated with a specific resource, maintaining a 1:1 relationship. Additionally, these grants are linked to a program worktag that represents the faculty member and an assignee worktag for further categorization. The program worktag is versatile and can be associated with multiple resources, enhancing the organization and accessibility of financial data for faculty portfolios.

Report Recommendation 1: R1300.5 This report will give you both a high level summary with encumbrances and enable you to drill in to see more details. Report Demo Coming Soon!

Key filter recommendations:

  • Repeat by: Grant
  • Company: UW1861 (where the college of the environment will always be)
  • Period: Select “Current and Prior Period” and then the current month for the most up to date information
  • Time Period: Current Period to Date for July of one fiscal year to the “Period” selected. for instance, if the period if September 2024, this would enable you to see July 2024-September 2024
  • Worktags: You can in theory use your program worktag here but we didn’t have all the program worktags established in 2024. For accuracy until we have been in the Workday ecosystem long enough, we recommend entering all your stand alone grants here. You can add multiple into this single cell.

Report Recommendation 2: R1287.3 This is a monthly view of revenue and expenses over a 12 month period. Report Demo Coming Soon!