How to Request Changes
The shared environment may process specific FDM change requests. These include:
- Renaming Activity, Program, Stand Alone Grant, and Assignee Worktags
- Fill out the FDM Rename Form and follow the instructions on the form.
- Program Worktags will take longer because they require approval from the Budget and Planning Office
- Fill out the FDM Rename Form and follow the instructions on the form.
- Change Related Worktags on Activity, Program, Stand Alone Grant, and Assignee Worktags
- Fill out the FDM Change Related Worktags form and follow the instructions on the form.
- Deactivate FDM Worktag for Activity, Program, Stand Alone Grant, and Assignee Worktags
- Fill out the FDM Deactivate Form and follow instructions on the form.
- Request a new worktag for Activity, Program, Stand Alone Grant, and Assignee
- Fill out the FDM New Worktag Request Form