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What is a Program Worktag?

Program Worktags are optional worktags that can track revenue and expenses. They have “net position,” which means that when a report is run in Workday, if a fiscal year is crossed, the program worktag will have a beginning balance if the user selects the current month and “Year to date” as the period and time period option.

How to Find Programs in Workday

Users can extract a list of program worktags by using the Extract FDM – Program R1332 report in Workday

Program Worktag Design in the College of the Environment

The College of the Environment has the following guardrails in place when creating Program Worktags:

  1. All Faculty have a program worktag for their labs. The naming convention is as follows:
    • CoEnv| Unit Name (Acronym) | Faculty Labs – Faculty Last Name, First Initial
    • The Program Worktag should be set up on both stand-alone grants as a related worktag and in sponsored award grant worktags in the Award Setup Process.
    • Our Faculty Labs Program worktags are not meant to be drivers. Faculty can have multiple cost centers and Resources.
  2. All Schools, Departments, and other units have an Operations Program tag to distinguish operations from other worktags for Core Funds. The naming convention is as follows:
    • Departments: PGXXXXXX CoEnv| Department Name (Acronym) | Department Operations
    • Schools: PGXXXXXX CoEnv| School Name and (Acronym) | School Operations
    • Other Programs, Institutes, or units: PGXXXXXX CoEnv | Unit Name and (Acronym) | General Operations
    • These are not driver programs because they can cross cost centers (such as Academic operations, Research Administration Support, and Administration) and they can have multiple resources.
  3. All Service and Recharge Centers have their own Program Worktags. These are not drivers as they can have three different resources.
  4. Each Unit has a program worktag for Reserves. The naming convention is as follows:
    • PGXXXXX CoENV| Unit name (Acronym) – Reserves
    • The purpose for units to maintain funds that while not currently encumbered for uses are for operating reserves and future projects and commitments
  5. Certain Specific Programs will have a Program Worktag. Examples include but are not limited to Academic Programs, Advancement Programs, Shared Services Programs, etc.
  6. Programs should be ongoing and require net position.
  7. While Programs may have a single source of funds, they are not:
    • A Specific Person (that is what assignee is for)
    • A single activity (that is what the activity worktag is for)
    • a guarantee of carryover if using core funds
  8. When used consistently on revenue and expense transactions, programs can aid in reporting on a hierarchy level such as:
    • Faculty Controlled Budgets for a unit or a college as a whole
    • Administrative costs for a specific unit or college as a whole
    • Operating Costs for a specific unit or college as a whole

Program Hierarchies and Reporting

All Programs are a part of a program hierarchy. The hierarchies aid in reporting functions. A user can run a report at a hierarchy level to report on various types of programs. This is why it is important to have consistent use of the program working. We expect a massive hierarchy cleanup in 2025 to meet reporting needs better:

Level 1: The Enterprise Level

Level 2: The College of the Environment

Level 3: Current Hierarchies:

  • Administrative Programs
  • Advancement Programs
  • Loan Programs
  • Auxiliary Activities
  • Facilities and Maintenance
  • Faculty Labs and Research Labs
  • Faculty Support
  • General Operations
  • Infrastructure, Reinvestments, and Reserves
  • Instructional Fees
  • Special Operations
  • Technology Infrastructure
  • Student Support Programs
  • “Other”