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What is an Activity Worktag?

There is an activity worktag in Workday Financials designed to aid in reporting specific activities. These activities are not meant to have “retained earnings, ” meaning that a unit may not plan to track revenue and expenses and carryover balances into the next fiscal year. A user can track multiple fiscal years and see revenue and expenses related to an activity working; they have to be mindful of selecting a period.

Guardrails in the College of the Environment

There are many use cases for activity worktags. Some specific examples are below:

A Driver Worktag for Course Fees. The naming convention is as follows: CoEnv | Course Name Example: CoEnv | ESS 101

To Distinguish buckets of Core Revenue: Limited Duration Funding Transfers from Core Ongoing Base Transfers (Core and Non-Core)

Large Annual Conferences that are common across colleges such as SACNAS and AGU

Internal Awards that are limited to a year or for students such as Travel Awards to students or minor research awards to students.

Tracking Student Support and Faculty Support

For Tracking Expenses and Revenue related to Customer Contracts (or Fee for Service Work) Each Contract is given an activity worktag that is added to a “Create Customer Contract” business process and should be included on Customer Invoices. There is a strict naming convention: [unit initials] Fee for Service [last name of PI or Lead, First Initial] [Customer Name]

Example: SAFS Fee for Service Essington, T. – Wild Salmon Company

Each Activity Worktag will be set up as a driver worktag. It will drive the cost center which is usually the Special Operations Cost Center for each unit, it will drive the faculty member’s program worktag, it will drive the assignee , it will drive the function, and it will drive the Resource worktag likely to be used.

For Expense Parking: Each unit has an activity code for:

  • Non-sponsored Award Non-Federal Expense parking (have an expense and are not sure it is on GOF, DOF, a gift? use this activity tag.
  • Sponsored Award Non-federal Expense Parking (have an expense for an award that is not yet processed by OSP and you can’t get an advance budget for? Use this activity tag)

Finding Activities in Workday

Use this report to see all activity worktag in Workday: Extract FDM – Activity R1331

In the search bar of workday you can also type AC [part of a name] which will give you many possible selections. For instance AC CoEnv will show you at least 100 tags related to Environment. You can further refine by a search of AC CoEnv | Unit Initials. Example: AC CoEnv ESS would limit workags to ESS