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Remote Lab – Remote Access to SAFS Lab Computers

Click Here to access SAFS Computer Labs Remotely (Note: Users accessing the labs from off-campus will need to be connected through Husky OnNet)

The Remote Lab service gives SAFS members remote access to the physical lab machines in the FSH 313 Student Computing Lab. The software installed on these machines are listed here. Instructions on connecting to a lab computer are listed below. Please use the eSITS Help Request Form if you have any questions or problems.

Please note that the FSH 313 UW Student Computing Lab is restricted for use to UW Students only.  These lab computers may not be used for instruction, research, or general use by UW Faculty and Staff.

The FSH 136 Instructional Computing Lab is restricted to SAFS use only and is not open to the general UW community.  Use priority for the FSH 136 lab goes to instructors and students using FSH 136 for their class.  The SAFS community may use these machines when the lab is not in use by a class or a student needing a computer for their FSH 136 class use.

Using Remote Computer Access

​​​​​​​Step 1: Download and Connect to Husky OnNet
You must connect to Husky OnNet to connect to the UW Network before using a remote lab computer. Instructions on downloading, installing, and using the VPN are listed here.

Step 2: Install Microsoft Remote Desktop
Windows: Remote Desktop is included with Windows, no further installation required.
MacOS: Download and Install Remote Desktop from the Mac App Store.

Step 3: Connect to a Lab Computer​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  1. Click the button above to visit the SAFS Remote Lab site and navigate to either the FSH 313 lab.
  2. Select the IP link of an available computer under ‘Address’ to the right of the computer you would like to remote into. This will initiate a file download to your computer.
  3. Open the file you downloaded (<IP Address>.rdp). You will be navigated to Microsoft Remote Desktop and may be prompted with security warnings, click through these. Then you will be prompted for your username and password. Enter your UW NetID (NETID\<Your UW NetID>) and password.
  4. Once your UW NetID and password are accepted, you will be connected to the lab computer.

Step 4: Sign out of the lab computer, DO NOT shutdown
When you are finished with your work make sure to sign out of your account. This will end the remote session with the computer. Do not shutdown the computer as it makes it makes it unavailable for other users.

Best Practices

  • Do not save your work to remote computers. Save to a cloud storage (OneDrive or Google Drive) or your UW U Drive instead.
  • Save your work frequently as remote connections can be disconnected due to poor network connectivity.
  • Sign out when finished with your work. DO NOT shutdown the computer as it makes it unavailable for other users.