eFAST’s Financial Reporting and Close (eFRANC) pillar provides basic accounting services that are only allowed by security roles assigned to the Shared Environment. These include accounting adjustments and specific manual journals such as shared environment reclasses and funding transfers.
How Can I Change a Worktag on a Posted Transaction?
In Workday Financials, worktags are crucial in categorizing transactions for better clarity, control, and cost accounting. When it comes to altering the worktags linked to expenses or revenues, it’s essential to consider the transaction type. Payroll Accounting Adjustments, Accounting Adjustments, and Shared Environment Reclasses are typical processes that can be used to adjust accounting worktags.
Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAA)
Is the transaction related to Salary or Fringe? Local Units with the Cost Center Manager or Grant Manager role may perform a Payroll Accounting Adjustment. You may review the Job Aid on the UW Connect Finance Page. Contact your local grant manager or cost center manager to ask about internal processes.
Accounting Adjustments (AA)
Is this for Expense Reports, Procurement Card Verifications, or Supplier Invoices AND you want to transfer an ENTIRE line item amount? Download the Accounting Adjustment Form with the Approval and Narrative Form and send to eFAST@uw.edu with the form and the subject title: [accounting adjustment] [name of your unit] [any other info you want]

Ensure the following information is ready when you fill out the required accounting adjustment form:
- Identify the Workday transaction number.
- Identify the date of the existing transaction
- Identify what part of the transaction which needs to be adjusted (line item created by the operational journal, the dollar amount, FDM worktags, company, etc.)
- Identify the amount
- Gather supporting documentation, which can be attached to the adjustment request.
Shared Environment Reclass (SER) of Expenses
To initiate a shared environment reclass, eFRANC requests the use of an environment-specific form. Please fill out this form: eFRANC Reclass Form coupled with the SER approval and narrative. Please note that the reclass form asks for back up documentation. This means that if you have an ISD for instance that needs to be reclasses, you must provide the ISD download and line number. If you are asking for a reclass of an invoice that is only partial, you must provide the backup documentation that it is a partial amount if it is not addressed in the narrative. Please follow the instructions on the first tab of the reclass form. If you are requesting SER to be processed by a shared environment outside of eFRANC (ie a college or department not in Environment), you must fill out a Procurement Accounting/Worktag Adjustment Reclass Form. The SER is used under the following circumstances:
- Miscellaneous Payment (MP-XXXX), an Expense Report (ER-XXXX), or Supplier Invoice (SI-XXXX) AND you want to transfer only PART of the line amounts. Example: mileage ER is $50 but you want to transfer $10
- Correct the worktags on an Internal Sales Delivery (ISD). If the ISD is recurring, contact the Internal Sales Provider (ISP) to change their documentation.
- Any other non-salary expense, excluding F&A on a grant which is processed automatically
- You must include both the eFRANC reclass form and the SER approval and narrative form. You can request up to 10 items to be reclassed in a single ticket.
- Back up documentation for the charge (the ISD download and line number, the invoice itself) must be included. This is especially important because shared environment reclasses are NOT tied to the original transaction.
Send to efast@uw.edu with the subject title: SER Reclass of Expense for [Unit] and any other information you want.
Shared Environment Reclass (SER) of Misapplied Revenue
Auxiliary Revenue that was incorrectly posted from ISDs,Banking Transactions and deposited, or customer invoices that cannot be corrected should use this Shared Environment Reclass of Misapplied Revenue form and the narrative form. DO NOT use this for core fund transfers or other revenue transfers such as moving from recharge operations to Recharge Reserve. This is not to be used if you just want to change the Cost Center, Program, Stand Alone Grant, Activity or Assignee. You will use a core fund transfer or a non-core fund transfer for that. If the deposited funds from the cash application team were misclassified, then you can use this form to make corrections to the worktags and ledgers.
Send to efast@uw.edu with the subject title: SER Reclass of Misapplied Cash for [Unit] and any other information you want.
Core Fund Transfer
Core Funds are made of General Operating Funds (GOF) including Provisios, and Designated Operating Funds (DOF.) DOF funds are further made up of multiple resources to include Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) and Local Fund Allocations (LFA). You will use this method even if using a stand alone grant provided the related worktag for the stand alone grant is GOF or DOF/ICR.
To Transfer Funds within the same UW1861 and using eFRANC team, fill out this fund transfer request and it must be accompanied by the Fund Transfer Narrative Form which contains unit approvals. Send to efast@uw.edu with the subject title: Core Fund Transfer for [name of unit} and any other info you would like. All non-environment requests or requests across companies can be made by filling out this funding transfer request form from UW Connect.
Other Revenue Transfer Requests
To transfer revenue involving Auxiliary Revenue, Gift Funds, etc., you will use this method even if you are using a stand-alone grant, provided the stand-alone grant’s related worktag is a Gift or Auxiliary. To Transfer Funds within the same UW1861 and using eFRANC team, fill out this fund transfer request form and include the Fund Transfer Narrative Form. Send to eFAST@uw.edu with the following subject line: [Non-Core Funding Transfer] [Unit] and any other information.
All non-environment requests or requests across companies can be made by filling out this funding transfer request form from UW Connect.