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Dean’s Office Financial Policies and Support

A/B salary

Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) formulas

Dean’s Office Commitment Claim Forms:

When a unit wants to request that a Dean’s Office Commitment be processed, it should fill out an appropriate form and send it to the shared environment for processing. A list of commitments is shared with units every year for their records.

Endowed professorships and chairs

Endowed fund reinvestment policy and procedures

Graduate Research Opportunity Enhancement (GROE) Program Policy

  • GROE Claim Form This form will route to the Unit Administrator first, then the Research Administration office in the Dean’s Office, followed by the AD of Research Approval. It will then route to the Assistant Director of Finance in the Dean’s Office, who will approve it and send it to the shared environment for a funding transfer to the unit and update the commitment database.

Faculty Salary Parking

Salary Parking

  • The College of the Environment maintains through Salary Parking a reserve to assist schools/departments and faculty members by paying temporary expenses associated with recruitment, retention, retirement incentives, emeritus teaching, student support, equipment replacement, and new initiatives. These reserve funds are obtained, in part, from the salary and benefits recaptured by the Dean’s Office upon the retirement of faculty until it is re-allocated.