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SAFS AAR – Academic Awards Records

The AAR database is used to collect information about faculty activities for reporting and managing merit and promotions.  Most of the data is provided by the faculty, with the exception of funding and teaching data.  The database contains data on Awards, Committees, Funding, Grad Committees, Highlights, Mentoring, Outreach, Presentations, Publications, Service, and Teaching. All SAFS faculty have access to AAR records by signing into the AAR Web Application using their UW NetID.​​​​​​​

To Access the AAR Web Application visit

Accessing AAR Off-Campus

In order to access AAR you must be connected to the UW network. Husky OnNet is a free UW VPN service that will allow you to connect to the UW network from remote locations.

Information about connecting to Husky On-Net can be found on the IT Connect Website

AAR Quarterly Updates

Around the middle of each quarter the Funding, Student, and Teaching tables are updated with the previous quarter’s data. At the end of each quarter, SAFS course evaluations are inputted into AAR and will be accessible through the web application. If you have any general questions or encounter any issues please reach out to us using the eSITS Help Request Form.