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College SharePoint

The College SharePoint should be used to store important files that either need shared access and/or need to be backed up. The SharePoint works in any major browser and supports in-browser file editing for Microsoft Office Documents including real-time, collaborative editing. The SharePoint website also supports drag-and-drop file transfers and allows for complex permissions structures with the ability to share individual files and folders with anyone at the University.

The main College SharePoint can be found at: You will only be able to see sites you have access permissions to. Links to EarthLab, PoE, The Dean’s Office and other SharePoint sites can be found at that landing page. It is a good idea to bookmark this page and any other SharePoints you will use frequently.

NOTE: When off-campus, it is a good idea to connect to the Husky On-Net VPN in order to ensure uninterrupted access to the SharePoint.

Syncing SharePoint Libraries

SharePoint Document Libraries can be synced to your local computer for offline file viewing, and access in non-Microsoft apps. To sync a Document Library to your computer,

  1. Verify that the OneDrive application is installed and running on your computer. OneDrive should be installed on any Windows Computer. Mac users may need to download the app from
  2. Navigate to the SharePoint Document Library you wish to sync.
  3. Click the ‘Sync’ button at the top of the Document Library
  • OneDrive will launch if it is not already running, and your files will begin to sync in the background. You can access the Synced folder through File Explorer or Finder (for Mac users)

For more information about SharePoint, visit the UW IT Support Site.